Media: USB flash drive - 1 USB
Year: 2023
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia
This value set includes all available issues from the two main series of Queensland Baptist publications.
Queensland Freeman and Queensland Baptist
The Queensland Baptist was the monthly newspaper of the Baptist Association
in Queensland. Each issue contains articles on issues of the day, topical articles, news from Baptist churches throughout the state of Queensland, missionary news, and inter-colonial news. They also often contain reports and statistics of different kinds, articles on different people, obituaries and articles on different Queensland churches as well as stories, poems, songs and letters. They even include adverts for local businesses. e.g. bookshops, dentists, confectioners, organ sellers, insurance, and clothing stores). Please note there was no 'Queensland Baptist' issued between 1914-1922, as a national Baptist magazine was issued. The 'Queensland Baptist' resumed again in 1923 when it was felt that the national magazine didn't cover enough of Queensland.
Queensland Baptist Year Books
These year books were produced by the Baptist Association in Queensland from 1907. Each issue contains directory information on the Baptist churches throughout Queensland which were part of the Association. A copy of the Baptist constitution, lists of committees and officers, presidents address, annual reports, general reports, accounts, Queensland Baptist College information, statistics and church notices are also included.
Fully searchable, with advanced fast searching, these books will be useful to church historians and to those with ancestors who were active in the Queensland Baptist churches.
This set is a great resource is useful for those with an interest in church history, as well as those whose ancestors who where involved with the Baptist churches of Queensland, or anyone with an interest in the social history of the state.
The USB contains:
AU4004 Queensland Freeman 1881-84
AU4004 Queensland Freeman 1885-88
AU4005-1 Queensland Baptist 1890-1892
AU4005-1 Queensland Baptist 1893-1896
AU4005-1 Queensland Baptist 1897-1899
AU4005-1 Queensland Baptist 1900-1902
AU4005-2 Queensland Baptist 1903-1908
AU4005-2 Queensland Baptist 1909-1913
AU4005-3 Queensland Baptist 1923-1927
AU4005-3 Queensland Baptist 1928-1931
AU4005-4 Queensland Baptist 1951-1960
AU4005-5 Queensland Baptist 1961-1970
AU4005-6 Queensland Baptist 1971-1980
AU4005-7 Queensland Baptist 1981-1990
AU4010-1 Queensland Baptist YB 1907-08
AU4010-1 Queensland Baptist YB 1908-09
AU4010-1 Queensland Baptist YB 1909-10
AU4010-1 Queensland Baptist YB 1910-11
AU4010-1 Queensland Baptist YB 1911-12
AU4010-1 Queensland Baptist YB 1912-13
AU4010-1 Queensland Baptist YB 1913-14
AU4010-1 Queensland Baptist YB 1914-15
AU4010-1 Queensland Baptist YB 1915-16
AU4010-1 Queensland Baptist YB 1916-17
AU4010-1 Queensland Baptist YB 1917-18 a
AU4010-1 Queensland Baptist YB 1917-18 b
AU4010-1 Queensland Baptist YB 1918-19
AU4010-1 Queensland Baptist YB 1919-20
AU4010-2 Queensland Baptist YB 1920-21
AU4010-2 Queensland Baptist YB 1921-22
AU4010-2 Queensland Baptist YB 1922-23
AU4010-2 Queensland Baptist YB 1923-24
AU4010-2 Queensland Baptist YB 1924-25
AU4010-2 Queensland Baptist YB 1925-26
AU4010-2 Queensland Baptist YB 1927
AU4010-2 Queensland Baptist YB 1928
AU4010-2 Queensland Baptist YB 1929
AU4010-2 Queensland Baptist YB 1930
AU4010-3 Queensland Baptist YB 1931
AU4010-3 Queensland Baptist YB 1932
AU4010-3 Queensland Baptist YB 1933
AU4010-3 Queensland Baptist YB 1934
AU4010-3 Queensland Baptist YB 1935
AU4010-3 Queensland Baptist YB 1935
AU4010-3 Queensland Baptist YB 1937
AU4010-3 Queensland Baptist YB 1938
AU4010-3 Queensland Baptist YB 1939
AU4010-3 Queensland Baptist YB 1940
AU4010-4 Queensland Baptist YB 1941-50
AU4010-5 Queensland Baptist YB 1951-60
AU4010-6 Queensland Baptist YB 1961-70
AU4010-7 Queensland Baptist YB 1971-79
AU4010-8 Queensland Baptist YB 1980-90
AU4010-9 Queensland Baptist YB 1991-2000
AU4010-10 Queensland Baptist YB 2001-05
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