
Norfolk Island 1788-1813: The People and Their Families

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Media: BOOK - paperback, 116 pages
Author: J. Donohoe
Year: 2011
ISBN: 1862526141
Other: 3rd ed., bibliog
Publisher: James Donohoe

The author, using various published and unpublished documents, has assembled together in this book, valuable information on Norfolk Island's inhabitants in the early part of the 1800s. What appears to have triggered him to think of writing this work is the actual difficulty a researcher faces in tracing back family history to the early period in Norfolk Island's history. The Island's records usually mention children of convicts by their mother's surname, but this does not provide much help in tracing later descendants. This book lists 3000 people and their families on Norfolk Island to late 1813.

Set out in column format column one lists name, column two lists the ship, column three gives the date of arrival, and the fourth column lists the date of departure. The book is listed alphabetically by surname.

The first column contains the name of every person listed on the victualling lists 1788, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, 1795, 1796, 1802, 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811 and 1812, the 1805 census (main document), land grants, birth, death and marriage records, diaries, papers and some literary sources.

The Editor
Editor's Note
Marriages and Relationships
Ship of Arrival
Date of Arrival: Norfolk Island
Date of Departure: Norfolk Island
Shipping Movements
Unattached Families

3 Reviews
  • Continued research on Norfolk Island

    Posted by Dawne Tonks on 10th Apr 2020

    I was very happy with this book as there was a good extra write up on the Broughton family - namely William. My Broughton grandchildren are connected to this line. I also have the book on the demise of Ann Glossip following the shipwreck off the coast of New Zealand of the ship she and her daughter were on. So it was interesting to read the added information on this family in the current edition.

  • Norfolk Island Convict Ancestors

    Posted by Irmela on 4th Apr 2020

    A very useful booklet with lists of names of settlers (mostly convicts) and their families on Norfolk Island in its first settlement. I was a little disappointed that there was limited additional information in the booklet.

  • Found My Ancestor on Norfolk Island

    Posted by Lianne Clark on 12th Nov 2018

    Great resource to confirm if your ancestor spent time on Norfolk Island and how they got there and back. I was able to trace the journey of Jane, my female ancestor from Sydney to Norfolk Island and then to Tasmania. Also found that she had a husband that I didn’t know existed.

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Norfolk Island 1788-1813: The People and Their Families

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