Search Your Middle Eastern and European Genealogy
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- IUN002
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Media: BOOK - paperback, 264 pages
Author: A. Hart
Year: 2004
ISBN: 9780595318117
Other: appendixes, index
Publisher: iUniverse
Here's how to research your Middle Eastern and Eastern European ancestry including, Greek, Armenian, Turkish, Croatian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Assyrian, Lenanese, Syrian, Jewish and other genealogy/ancestry records in the former Ottoman Empire, online and beyond.
Have any of your ancestors ever lived under the former Ottoman Empire? The Ottoman Empire lasted from 1300 until 1922. In 1924 Kemal Ataturk abolished the Muslim caliphate and founded the Republic of Turkey.
So regardless of the language spoken by your ancestorsSlavic, Arabic, Greek, Judezmo, Uralic, Yiddish, Romanian, or Turkish, the Ottoman Empire controlled and kept careful census records in Turkish using Arabic script in the following countries of Europe and the Middle East known today, but not necessarily before 1924 as the following names: Hungary, Yugoslavia, Croatia, Bosnia, Albania, Macedonia, Greece, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, southern Ukraine, Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Iraq, Kuwait, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Israel/Palestine, Jordan, Eastern and Western Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, eastern Yemen, Egypt, northern Libya, Tunisia, and northern Algeria.
You'll also find hidden records in the various countries. In addition, more recent records in Arabic or in the language of the country emphasized are kept in the national archives and in the courts dealing with property-related issues, assets left behind, divorce decrees, and other legal documents. Learn the steps needed to research genealogy and Judaica, Hellenica, and Armenica online or in records, censuses, and population registers as well as in little-known sources such as notary records, in many other countries.
Chapter 1. Key: Seven Steps to Begin
Chapter 2. Searching Genealogy Records in Macedonia of the Former Ottoman Empire
Chapter 3. Croatia Genealogy Research
Chapter 4. Genealogy Records in Bulgaria, Hungary and Eastern Europe Under the Former Ottoman Empire
Chapter 5. How to Interpret Family History and Ancestry DNA Test Results for Beginners
Chapter 6. Ashkenazim and Eastern Europeans: Mediterranean Markers in Poland
Chapter 7. Family Histories as Evidence of Who We Are
Chapter 8. What Makes a Personal History, Genealogy as Creative Non-Fiction, or life Story Salable?
Chapter 9. Collecting Personal Histories
Chapter 10. Before Video Taping Life Stories of Older Adults: Questions to Ask Interviewing for Personal Histories: Hot to Interview Older Adults
Chapter 11. Family and Faith: What's in an Oral History?
Chapter 12. Steps to Take in Gathering Oral Histories
Chapter 13. Document Rescue and Recovery
Chapter 14. Conservation Techniques
Chapter 15. Launching Life Stories in the Media
Chapter 16. DNA-Driven Genealogy
Chapter 17. Greek Genealogy
Appendix A: General Genealogy Websites
Appendix B: Web Resources on Former Ottoman Empire Genealogy Web Sites
Appendix C: Bibliography 1, Genealogy
Appendix D: Bibliography 2, Genealogy in the Former Ottoman Empire
Appendix E: Bibliography 3, DNA Testing and Genetics
Appendix F: Middle East Genealogy Books
Appendix G: List of Published Paperbacks in Print Written by Anne Hart
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