
Records of Argyll - EBOOK

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Media: EBOOK - download
File format: PDF file 27MB (549 pages)
Author: A. Campbell
Year: (1885) 2023
Publisher: Gould Genealogy ebooks

The full title of the work is "Records of Argyll: Legends, Traditions, and Recollections of Argyllshire Highlanders. Collected Cheifly from the Gaelic, with Notes on the Authenticity of the Dress, Clan Colours, or Tartans of the Highlanders" and was originally published Lord Archibald Campbell back in 1885.

Campbell sought to preserve the traditions of the numerous clans of Argyll and the Isles. The bulk of this work consists of legends and tales extracted from Gaelis-speakers of Argyll and translated into English for a larger audience.
Part 1 contains the records and traditions on Inverary, including material on the Campbells, Inverary itself, the MacNaughtons of Dunderave, Argyll and MacVicar, Lochowsife clans, and the MacGregors.
Part 2 concentrates upon Dunstaffnage papers and legends, and subsequent parts include the tales or legends of the MacLachlans, tales of Alasdair MacDonald, and tales from Kintyre, Islay and Tiree. There is as well miscellaneous material on the MacLeods, the MacCallums, the Stewarts of Appin, and the MacLeans. Finally, there are extensive addenda on Highland dress, district tartans, Campbell and Sutherland tartans in particular, and extracts of original material on all aspects of Highland dress and armour.

Scanned images of the whole of the original book, bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.

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1 Review
  • Records of Argyll

    Posted by Rosemary Eden on 29th Feb 2024

    A lot of information in this about my Campbell ancestors and the ancestors who worked for them.

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Records of Argyll - EBOOK

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