
Old Colonials

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Media: DATA CD - 1 CD (294 pages)
Author: A. Boyd
Year: (1891) 2010
ISBN: 9781742228501
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia

Published in 1891, this book by Alexander J. Boyd describes life in the Queensland bush as witnessed by him during his time as a school inspector and journalist.

The collection of sketches of Queensland life includes a stockman, shepherd, drover, pioneer, fencer, splitter, timber-getter, cockatoo farmer, barman, barmaid, larrikin, carrier, mailman, coachdriver, hawker, swagsman, loafer, digger, prospector, bush doctor, bush banker, pearl-sheller, bush butcher, sugar-boiler, independent schoolmaster, and school inspector. Other chapters cover the grog shanty, the gold escort, the native police, the noble savage, the Chinaman and colonial institutions. There are numerous black and white illustrations accompanying the text.

A LONG-SUFFERING, patient, much-enduring individual is the sugar-boiler. On him depends the fate of a crop which has taxed the time, the knowledge, and the labour of the planter. Woe be to the sugar-boiler if the coolers be not hard, if the grain of the sugar be not large, if there be an undue proportion of mollasses, if the sugar be too black, or too grey, and a great many other ifs. All the accidents, often unavoidable, are set down to the incapacity, imbecility, or obstinacy, of the sugar-boiler.

This CD contains high quality scanned images of the original book, and has been bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.

Any computer using Adobe (Acrobat) Reader 4 or later
Adobe Reader 6 or later is recommended for CDs with searchable text

Click here to download a file of sample pages from this book. Right click on the link and select "save as" - to a location on your hard drive. The sampler can be opened, navigated and searched as with the full CD file/s. Sample files usually contain the title page, contents, some introductory pages and sample pages from the body of the book. Often the complete index from the original book is included.


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