New South Wales Police Gazette 1869 - EBOOK
Archive Digital Books Australasia
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- AUE2103-1869
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Media: EBOOK - download
File format: PDF file 26MB (407 pages)
Year: (1869) 2023
ISBN: 9781921230295
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia
If you had family living in New South Wales in 1869, have you thought of looking at the Police Gazettes for information? An unusual source of information, these are not only unique in the type of information that they contain, but they are a goldmine of useful information for genealogists. Compiled to be distributed amongst the Police Force only, these Gazettes contain details and information that can not be found anywhere else.
This CD-ROM is a compilation of all 52 issues of the New South Wales Police Gazette that were produced during 1869. Each issue is about eight pages in length, and contains information such as court lists, lists of warrants issued, appointments and changes in the Police Service, lists of arrests and discharges (which include physical descriptions on the persons), escaped prisoners, and missing persons ... even lost and found items. Notices from Police Gazettes from other states are also often included.
Burglaries, Stealing from Premises, &c.
Stolen, between the hours of 7 and 8 p.m. the 26th ultimo, from a clothes-line, the property of George Digby, No. 54, Junction-street.-A pair of Naval Brigade uniform trousers, blue with red stripes down sides; value, 30s. Identifiable.
Stolen, between the hours of 7 and 9 p.m. the 28th ultimo, from the residence of Dr. Dansey, No. 26, Wynyard-square, A cocoa fibre door-mat, 3 x 2 feet; value 4s.
Deserting Wives and Families, Service, &c.
A warrant has been issued by the Water Police Bench for the arrest of Peter M'Garrity, charged with deserting his wife Margaret, leaving her without means of support, and that he is about the leave the Colony. M'Garrity is about 42 years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, slight build, sandy bushy whiskers, hazel eyes, nose a little includes to left side, fair complexion, slightly pockpitted; dressed in moleskin trousers, light tweed vest, black cloth cap, and Scotch twill shirt. A Scotchman; a labourer.
High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book, bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.
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