
Genealogy and the Little Ice Age

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Media: BOOK - paperback, 84 pages
Author: W. Shepheard
Year: 2023
ISBN: 9781922935021
Other: b&w and colour maps, illustrations and tables, index
Publisher: Unlock the Past

A new book by the author of Surviving Mother Nature’s Tests: The Effects Climate Change and Other Natural Phenomena have had on the lives of our Ancestors

31-lamb-temperature-chart-time-periods-30-.jpgThis book deals with the physical parameters of the Little Ice Age (1300-1850), the effects climatic conditions of that period had on people and how the environmental situations influenced the broader society.

That era is particularly important for genealogists to understand as it encompasses the time interval during which most of the records relating to family history interest were created. It was also the time from when surnames were first commonly used by our ancestral families.

In assembling the most complete histories of families it is important to understand the physical environment in which people lived. The Little Ice Age was a cool climatic period, a time in history when, from a physical or environmental standpoint, in comparison to the warm periods that preceded and followed: temperatures around the globe were substantially cooler; weather was mostly unstable; food production was especially challenging; and living conditions overall were difficult and harsh.

These factors had enormous impact on the lives and livelihoods of people, contributing to famine, spread of disease, injury to being and habitat, untimely deaths, social unrest and, in many cases, migration.

Much of the information summarized has been taken from published articles and books researched and written by a large and varied group of scientists and historians concerned with weather and climate; population; economics and marketplaces; sociology; medicine; archaeology; and geology, astrophysics, oceanography, and other natural sciences.

See YouTube introduction by the author


     Little Ice Age definition
     Relevance to family history
Little Ice Age time period definition
Climate relationships during the Holocene
     Warm & cold periods
     Rise & fall of civilizations
Weather versus climate
     Climate zones
     Climate mechanisms
     El Niño & La Niña
     Little Ice Age impact
Medieval Warm Period
Circumstances of the Little Ice Age
     Consequences of the change in climate
     Measuring climate changes
Impact on the physical environment
     Landforms & geography
     Northern Atlantic Ice Pack
Impact on people
     Agricultural developments
     Rivers and coastlines
          Holderness Peninsula, East Yorkshire, England
     Major storms
          1342 Magdalene Flood
          1530 St. Felix Day Flood
          1703 The Great Storm
          1780 San Calixto Hurricane
     Drought, deluge and famine
          1315-1317 The Great Famine
          1540 Drought & famine in Europe
          1585-1612 Roanoke & Jamestown Droughts
          1739-41 Great Frost & Famine
          1788-93 Australia
     Disease and epidemics
     Indigenous populated regions
Impact on society
     Age of Enlightenment
          Welfare programs and the end of feudalism
     Industrious Revolution
     Industrial Revolution
     Surname usage
Information sources for genealogists



Surviving Mother Nature’s Tests: The Effects Climate Change and Other Natural Phenomena have had on the Lives of our Ancestors - book  |  ebook

Genealogy and the Little Ice Age - book  |  ebook

2-BOOK BUNDLE - SAVE 22% Surviving Mother Nature’s Tests and Genealogy and the Little Ice Age - book  |  ebook

1 Review
  • Genealogy and the Little ice age

    Posted by Lorraine Carter on 25th Jun 2024

    This is excellent. I have never heard the term before. I keep going back and reading again. I have mentioned it to others. Sound reasons for our ancestors having difficult times and perhaps good reason to head to another new country. Definitely climate change was happening over a period of time. Look forward to reading more from Wayne Shepheard

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Genealogy and the Little Ice Age

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