Early Norman Castles of the British Isles
- SKU:
- SCPG368
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Media: DATA CD - 1 CD (469 pages)
Author: E. Armitage
Year: (1912) 2010
Publisher: ScotPress
The successful invasion of England in 1066 by Duke William of Normandy brought the full force of continental feudalism to England and firmly established the Norman castle and its architecture as the premier pattern for design for the island. It was a new way of building and of governing, using a fortified castle of massive proportions as a base for a limited number of highly skilled knights on horseback. This history begins with a survey of English Norman castles, described and identified by the name of the builder or the family associated with it. Then follow chapters on Welsh and then on Scottish Norman castles. This last section primarily deals with King David and his successors, and with the introduction of a fully developed feudalism into Scotland. Finally, there is a section on the introduction of the Norman castle into Ireland.
This CD consists of scans of the original book, which can be browsed, enlarged and printed if required. Please note: it is not searchable.
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