Bailliere's New South Wales Gazetteer and Road Guide 1870 - EBOOK
Archive Digital Books Australasia
- SKU:
- AUE2008
- UPC:
- 9.78192E+12
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Media: EBOOK - download
File format: PDF file 35MB (726 pages)
Author: R. Whitworth
Year: (1870) 2023
ISBN: 9781920978297
Other: map
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia
This is the 2nd edition of this important 19th century gazetteer. It contains 'the most recent and accurate information on every place in the colony' - in 1870. It contains a wealth of information for historians and genealogists, and will interest the general reader as well. There are entries for towns and villages, lakes, rivers and creeks, islands, bays, hills and mountains, counties, hundreds, local government areas, electoral districts, stations, runs and other localities and features. It often gives latitude and longitude, populations, proximity to other towns, local industries, services such as coach and mail runs, hotels, churches, schools and much more. Pastoral tenants are also included, as are some of the principal landowners.
BUNGERANG STATION (Gwydir district) ; occupier, Dunn, Andrew; area 22,400 acres; grazing capability, 640 head of cattle. The old charges were £40; the recently appraised rental, £80.
BUNYAN, 36° 9' S. lat., 149° 11' E. long. (Co. Beresford), is a postal township, in the parish of Bunyan, electoral district of Monaro, and police district of Cooma. It is situated on the Cooma creek, about 4miles E.S.E. of the Murrumbidgee,' and 5 miles W.S.W. of the Numeralla rivers. The district is an agricultural and pastoral one, much of the available land being taken up and under cultivation by free selectors. The nearest township is Cooma, distant 6 miles S.W. Sydney lies 250 miles distant, the communication being by mail coach from Cooma to Picton, and thence by rail; there is 1 hotel, the Bunyan, (Cullen's) in the village; the surrounding country is flat, with a background of high mountains, rocky, and covered with timber and scrub. The population numbers about 60 persons. The geological formation is hornblendic and porphyritic granite, and trap rock.
In addition to the main gazetteer this volume includes:
- government information including members of the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly
- an alphabetical list of approx 2800 pastoral tenants of the crown, with the station they occupied (as shown in the main gazetteer)
- advertisements
A feature of this CD is the inclusion of the large fold out map from the 1866 edition of this gazetteer - scanned in 4 sections. This map is rarely found in surviving copies of either the first or 2nd editions of this gazetteer
This CD contains high quality scanned images of the whole of the original book, and has been bookmarked for easy navigation. The whole 722 page gazetteer is searchable, including most text in the advertisements. It is useful not only for finding names, but also places, occupations and other information. Pages can also be browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.
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