The Changing Valley: Forreston 1839 to 1989
Gould Books
- SKU:
- GBB007
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Media: BOOK - hardcover, 256 pages
Author: E. Jamieson
Year: 1989
ISBN: 0947284109
Other: b&w photos, maps, index
Publisher: Gould Books
NOW AVAILABLE AGAIN - at a super low price
This comprehensive history of the small town of Forreston, in the Adelaide Hills begins with early settlement and development of the town and district, including the Watts Gully goldfields.
The following chapters cover topics such as community organisations, church and school life, sport and recreation.
The latter half of the book records biographies, genealogies and land ownership of 29 of the major local families; a record of all known land ownership from first settlement to the present arranged by section number and township allotment; and extracts from directories and other sources of names not otherwise mentioned.
If Forreston is your town of interest, this is definately the book for you. Includes maps, over photos and a complete name index.
Sources of Information and Acknowledgements
Beginnings and Development
- Forreston 1839 to 1989
- The South Australian Company
- The Real Property Act
- The District Council
- The Old Houses of Forreston
- Electric Light
- World Wars
- The Watts Gully Area
- The Big Gum Tree
- The Role of the Horse
- Forreston Post Office
- The Robert Burns Inn
Community Organisations
- Forreston Welfare Association
- Forreston Community Centre Incorportated
- The Gumeracha Show
- Literary and Devotional Society
- Forreston Ladies Hall Auxiliary
- Forreston Red Cross Branch
- Community Capers
- Country Fire Services
School and Church Life
- Forreston School
- Forreston School Committee
- Forreston School Welfare Club
- The Forreston Sunday School
- Forreston United Sunday School
- Forreston United Church
Sport and Recreation
- Forreston Cricket Club
- Forreston Tennis Club
- Forreston Table Tennis Club
- Forreston and Districts Motor Club
- The Ploughing Matches
- The Adelaide Hunt Club
Pioneering Families
- Introduction to Biographies
- Billingsley
- Buckley
- Cooper
- Cornish
- Crook
- Dallow
- Dicker
- Eglinton
- Farley
- Fisher
- Forrest
- Giddings
- Green
- Hanna
- Hill
- Hobby
- Jamieson
- McCormick
- Miles
- Murphy
- Nickels (Finlayson)
- Norsworthy
- Philip
- Quinn
- Redden
- Stephenson
- Stott
- Verrall
- Watts
The Future
- Crystal Gazing
Land Ownership
- The Forreston Township
- Forreston District Land Transactions
Forreston Family Names
- The Families of Forreston
- Towns and District Maps
Index of Names
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