Tasmania Commonwealth Electoral Roll 1941 - EBOOK
Archive Digital Books Australasia
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- AUE6201-1941
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Media: EBOOK - download
File format: PDF file 113MB (2642 pages)
Year: (1941) 2024
ISBN: 9781922063496
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia
Electoral rolls are the nearest thing Australians have to census records, and hence they are extremely important and useful for local, family and social historians.
This set includes the rolls for Bass, Denison, Darwin, Franklin and Wilmot Divisions of Tasmania in 1941 - over 2,600 pages. Entries are arranged alphabetically within each subdivision. You will find the details of more than 100,000 voters who resided in Tasmania at this time, and who were entitled (and registered) to vote.
The electoral subdivisions for each of the divisions are:
- Bass: Flinders, George Town, Launceston Central, Launceston East, Launceston North, Launceston West, Lilydale, Portland, Ringarooma, Scottsdale and St Leonards
- Darwin: Circular Head, Devonport, Emu Bay, Gormanston, Kentish, King Island, Leven, Penguin, Queenstown, Strahan, Table Cape, Waratah and Zeehan
- Denison: Hobart Central, Hobart East, Hobart North, Hobart South, Hobart West, New Town and Queenborough
- Franklin: Clarence, Esperance, Glenorchy, Huon, Kingborough, Moonah, Nelson, New Norfolk, Port Cygnet, Richmond, Sorell, Spring Bay and Tasman (includes a supplemental roll for the division)
- Wilmot: Beaconsfield, Bothwell, Brighton, Campbell Town, Deloraine, Evandale, Fingal, Glamorgan, Hamilton, Latrobe, Longford, Oatlands and Westbury
Maps of most of the subdivisions are included.
The following information is included for many (but not all) entries:
- No. on Roll
- Name in full
- Place of living
- Occupation
- Sex
- Commonwealth Division and Subdivision
Roll of Electors for the Subdivision of DELORAINE
No., Name in full, Place of Living, Occupation, and Sex of each Elector.
867 Duncanson, Norman Desmond, Greig-st., Deloraine, rail. emp., M
868 Dunham, Ellen, Quamby Brook-rd., home duties, F
869 Dunham, Lawrence George, Deloraine, labourer, M
870 Duthoit, Hugh Everard, Parsonage-st., Del., salesman, M
871 Duthoit, Olive Pheobe, Parsonage-st., Deloraine, h.d., F
872 Dwyer, Elizabeth Mary, Deloraine Hotel, Deloraine, clerk, F
873 Dynan, Kate, Weegena, home duties, F
High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book, bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.
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