
Queensland Government Gazette 1912

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Media: DATA CD - 1 CD (3778 pages)
Year: (1912) 2012
ISBN: 9781922063526
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia

Government Gazettes are a unique, useful and extremely fascinating resource for local, family and social historians and researchers in other fields throughout Australia. They were published by the government as a means of communication to officials and the general public and therefore contain information that is of great use in establishing an image of Australia and its people in the past.

The 1912 Queensland Government Gazette has information regarding:
 - Appointments, promotions and resignations (including teachers)
 - Public Service List of 1912
 - Magistrates and Justices of the Peace
 - Members of Boards and Committees
 - Brands and earmarks
 - Dissolution of business partnerships
 - Errors in deeds
 - Government Acts and Proclamations
 - Intestacy returns and notices
 - Insolvency notices
 - Rents on occupation licenses, List of rents of holdings; a variety of other land records
 - Licences:– including auctioneers, bagatelle licences, licensed victuallers, winesellers, billiard licenses, fishing licences, packet licences and more
 - Probate notices
 - Professional lists including medical practitioners, chemists, dentists, ministers of religion, surveyors
 - Transmissions of real estate by death
 - and much more including road closures, unclaimed property and tender notices


Department of Public Lands, Brisbane, 12th January, 1912.
HIS Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to appoint ARTHUR CHARLES GORE, EDGAR TURRELL, and WALTER ALFRED WILLMINGTON to be Trustees of the Reserve for Recreation, Cambooya, in the parish of Cambooya, set apart by Proclamation dated 18th November, 1903, in the room of Alexander Cornelius Galbraith, David Kirk Shearer, and Michael William O'Donnell, who have resigned. Res. 1903-25.

This product contains high quality scanned images of the original gazette. It has been bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.

Any computer using Adobe (Acrobat) Reader 4 or later
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Queensland Government Gazette 1912

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