
Family and Local History Resource Directory for Victoria - EBOOK

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Media: EBOOK - download
File Format: PDF, 3MB (130 pages)
Author: S. Hicks
Year: 2010
ISBN: 9781921956843
Other: index
Publisher: Unlock the Past

Although Google is now very much a part of how we do genealogy and family history in the 21st century, not everything is on the Internet. The 'Family and Local History Resource Directory for Victoria' highlights major research repositories including archives, libraries, museums, other government departments, specialists organisations as well as smaller local societies which may not have an Internet presence.

Often it may be hard to find something online if you don't know that it exists and your search strategy doesn't bring it up. A printed directory can assist researchers to find places to look for their ancestors that they may not have previously thought of. Also, not everyone is totally comfortable working with computers and searching online and many prefer to work with a printed copy of the Directory rather than online.

Although geographically a small State, Victoria has a multitude of places to do original research. The 'Family and Local History Resource Directory for Victoria' with its comprehensive index allows researchers to look for places their ancestors lived and to find what research repositories are in that local area.

The 'Family and Local History Resource Directory for Victoria' is a must for anyone researching Victorian ancestors in Australia.

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Brief History of European settlement in Victoria
Government Agencies
Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages
Department of Sustainability and Environment
Immigration Museum
Victoria Police Museum
- National Archives of Australia– Victorian Office
- Public Record Office Victoria
- Ballarat Archives Centre
- Bendigo Regional Archive Centre
- Geelong Heritage Centre
Places of Deposit
- Public Record Office Victoria
- Australian Society of Archivists
- Deakin University Archives
- Monash University Archives
- University of Melbourne Archives
- Victoria University Archives
- Koorie Heritage Trust Inc.
- State Library of Victoria
- Alfred Deakin Prime Ministerial Library
- Public Libraries Australia
List of Public Library Services/Corporations in Victoria
- Ballarat Mechanics’ Institute
- Berwick Mechanics Institute & Free Library
- Briagolong Mechanics Institute
- Maldon Athenaeum Library
- Melbourne Athenaeum
- Prahran Mechanics Institute
Genealogical and Family History Societies
- Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies
- Genealogical Society of Victoria
- Victorian GUM Inc.
- Descendants of Convicts Group Victoria Inc
- Port Phillip Pioneers Group Inc
- LDS Family History Centres
- Australasian Federation of Family History Organisations
- Victorian Association of Family History Organisations
- Australasian Association of Genealogists and Record Agents
Historical Societies
- Royal Historical Society of Victoria
- Sovereign Hill Gold Museum
- National Trust of Australia (Victoria)
- Collections Australia Network
Specialist Societies
- Victorian Jazz Archive
- Melbourne Diocesan Historical Commission
- Anglican Church of Australia
- The Salvation Army Archives and Museum
- Churches of Christ in Australia Historical Society
- Australian Jewish Historical Society (VIC) Inc
- Uniting Church Synod Archives and Historical Society
- Victorian Baptist Historical Society
- Cornish Association of Victoria Inc.
- Cornish Association of Bendigo & District Inc
- Italian Historical Society
- Australian Polish Historical Society Inc
- Wendish Heritage Society Australia
- Australian Railway Historical Society (Vic Division)
- Australian Society for Sports History
- The Australian Heraldry Society
- Military Historical Society of Australia
- Naval Historical Society of Australia
- Oral History Association of Australia –Victorian Branch
- Victoria Police Historical Society Inc
Bibliography, Websites and Further Reading

 - Family and Local History Resource Directory for Victoria - printed book

 - Victoria


1 Review
  • Resource for victoria

    Posted by Alan Ashford on 18th Jan 2021

    Great info

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