
Cyclopedia of New South Wales - EBOOK

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Media: EBOOK - download
File format: PDF file 42MB (766 pages)
Year: (1907) 2023
ISBN: 9781920978914
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia

The Cyclopedias that were published for most states of Australia around the beginning of the 20th Century are a significant resource of historical and biographical information on the state concerned - the people, industries, professional, commercial and social institutions and much more.

This CD includes facsimile images of the entire 766 page volume of the original 1907 edition. It has hundreds of biographies and nearly 900 photos, mainly of people whose biographies are included

The following outline of the contents shows the wide scope of this volume:
 - History of N.S.W
 - Constitutional
 - Parliamentary
 - Federation
 - Geographical and Topographical
 - Treasury
 - Mint
 - Taxation
 - Lands
 - Agriculture
 - Forestry
 - Water Conservation and Irrigation
 - Mines and Mining
 - Public Works
 - Water Supply
 - Education
 - Technical Instruction
 - University
 - Colleges
 - Schools
 - Museums
 - Libraries
 - Post and Telegraph
 - Railways and Tramways
 - Law
 - City and Port of Sydney
 - Customs
 - Harbour Trust
 - Navigation
 - Harbours and Lighthouses
 - Fisheries
 - Observatory and Meteorological
 - Ecclesiastical
 - Architecture and Engineering
 - Naval and Military
 - Consuls
 - Local Government
 - Fire Brigades
 - Public Charities
 - Medical Institutions
 - Banking
 - Pastoral
 - Insurance
 - Shipping and Shipbuilding
 - Trade and Manufactures
 - Wine Growers, Merchants
 - Racing Clubs
 - Merchants

Includes special sections on Newcastle and Maitland.

High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book, bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.

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Cyclopedia of New South Wales - EBOOK

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