Weapons and Tactics of the Scottish Highlanders of the 18th Century - EBOOK
Gould Genealogy ebooks
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Author: L. Robinson
Year: (2004) 2024
Publisher: Gould Genealogy ebooks
One of the most famous quotations from a participant in the Jacobite rebellion of 1745 is attributed to Lieutenant General Henry Hawley of the British Army. Hawley, describing the Jacobite troops, wrote, "They Commonly form their Front rank of what they call their best men, or True Highlanders, the number of which being allways but few, when they form in Battallions they commonly form four deep, & these Highlanders form the front of the four, the rest being lowlanders and
arrant scum."
The purpose of this article is to describe for you the weapons and tactics of the front rank Highland troops of "The '45" and to also explode some of the myths that have grown up around them. We will also touch on the post-Culloden activities of the Scottish fighting man. There are sections on the troops, the musket, the pistol, the dirk, the targe, the sword, accoutrements, battle tactics, and the myth of the sword. Of particular interest are the extensive full-colour photographs of the weapons themselves, as well as of the elements of the Highland charge.
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