South Australian Police Gazette 1891 - EBOOK
Archive Digital Books Australasia
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Media: EBOOK - download
File format: PDF file 13MB (230 pages)
Year: (1891) 2024
ISBN: 9781921230196
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia
Compiled to be distributed amongst the Police Force only, these Gazettes contain details and information that "cannot" be found anywhere else ... and they truly are a goldmine of information for any historian.
Far from just listing those in the Police Force, as well as any changes (promotions, dismissals, deaths etc), you also find listings of persons arrested, as well as those that there are warrant for, event prisoners that have been discharged during. Each of these includes specific information about the person concerned, which includes physical description, sometimes where they are from, how long they've been in the colony and other useful information.
Apart from that you will also find the "Missing Friends" section where people are looking for another person (sometimes a friend they've lost touch with, sometimes a family member). Inquest verdicts are always listed here, and are always an interesting read. The "Lost or Stolen" section usually lists in great detail items that have been lost and who from, or found, as does the "Stealing in Dwellings, From the Person &c." section. There is a "Deserting Wives & Families" section, as well as 'Deserters from H.M. Service".
This is a compilation of all 52 issues of the South Australia Police Gazette that were issued 1891, each being usually four pages in length. So you may well find your ancestor listed here - for any number or reasons, on either side of the law.
At Kent Town, on the 2nd instant, on the body of William Philip Stoneham, who was found ded on the 31st ultimo. Verdict-"That deceased came to his death by a revolver shot wound, inflicted by his own hand, and who at the time was suffering from intense mental depression, and unaccountable for his actions.'
Miscellaneous Information
Escaped from the Reformatory School at Edwardstown, on the 4th instant, Nellie Morrissey, age 17, rather short, dark complexion, dark brown hair, long face, rather a long nose, stoops when walking; and Charlotte Bailey, age 17 years, medium height, fair complexion, very fair hair, rather stout build, ha a large scar round her mouth; both girls wore brown dresses, and straw hats trimmed with green and brown material.-(C.75)
High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book, bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.
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