
Queensland Government Gazette 1891 - EBOOK

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Media: EBOOK - download
File format: PDF file, 308MB (4367pp)
Year: (1891) 2024
ISBN: 9781742224091
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia

Government gazettes for a particular locality eventually become standardised with the type of material listed. In the 1890s you can expect the Government Gazettes to include the following information that will usually list names and sometimes name of emigrant vessel, addresses and/or occupations:
 - appointees to government positions
 - appointments of magistrates and Justices of the Peace
 - appointments of returning officers
 - crown land leases
 - deceased estates
 - dissolution of business partnerships
 - insolvents
 - notices or rewards for lost or stolen property and stock
 - property owners subject to compulsory land acquisition by government
 - purchasers of land lodging caveats under Real Property Act
 - unclaimed letters
 - unclaimed property (railways)
 - witnesses to executions

SAMPLE ENTRY (from the 21 March 1891 issue):

Department of Public Instruction, Brisbane, 19th March, 1891.
HIS Excellency the Administrator of the Government with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to direct that the following promotions of Teachers in the service of the Department of Public Instruction be made, in pursuance of the provisions of clause twenty-four of the Regulations under "The State Education Acot f 1875," such promotions to take effect from the 1st, January, 1891, viz.:---
From Chas II., Division 2, to Class II., Division I.
Charlotte Elizabeth Caldersmith (Mrs.), Martha Hustwick, and Amelia Roberts (Mrs.)

From Class II, Division 3, to Class II., Division 2.
Sarah Ann Potter (Mrs.) and Jeanie Reid.

From Class III ., Division 2, to Class III., Division 1.
Williamena Barnard, Rose Emma Davis, Edith Emily Dines, Mary Agnes Flynn, Susan Gillick, Constance Elphinstone Grieve, Anna Georgina Hart, Mary Jefferson, Dora Elizabeth Kingsford, Alice Eleanor Medland, Mary Isabella Moffatt, Emily Amelia Roles, Annie Scully, Frances Story, Alice Lawton Usher, Isabella Ferdinanda Wright, and Florence Emma Yardley.

Gazettes are published by governments and their agencies as a means of communication to officials and the general public. As such they are useful, not only to monitor the actions of the government, but also as far as family historians are concerned, they are valuable primary source documents.

High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book, bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.

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