
Nurses and Midwives in Australian History: A Guide to Historical Sources

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Media: BOOK - paperback, 76 pages
Author: N. Kyle, R. Russell & J. Blundell
Year: 2015
ISBN: 9781921956096
Other: colour photos, addresses, index
Publisher: Unlock the Past

Nursing and midwifery have been the occupations of women for centuries and almost every one of us will find an ancestor who engaged in these traditional feminine pursuits.

This book, written by experts in nursing history, women's history and family history, provides practical advice on how to research the lives of nurses and midwives, the hospitals they trained and worked in, and is a guide to the many public and private repositories where sources are found in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

Nurses and midwives worked in hospitals, refuges, asylums, prisons, charitable institutions and were pioneers of bush nursing, established maternity hospitals and were often important health providers in small communities in past decades.

The records of their lives are found in a wide range of places, and as well as online and digitised records, this book also points the researcher toward the myriad of documentary and private records which are useful for writing their lives.

Getting started
Government organisations responsible for nurses and nursing activities
- National nursing boards
- Australia
- International
- Other governmental authorities
- Miscellaneous government publications
Professional nursing organisations
- Associations specifically focused on the history of nursing and midwifery
Private collections
- Family collections
- Private collections held in institutions
- Oral histories
State and national libraries - Australia and New Zealand
- National Library of Australia (NLA)
- State Library of New South Wales/Mitchell Libray
- Northern Territory Library
- State Library of Queensland/John Oxley Library
- State Library of Victoria
- State Library of Western Australia/Battye Library
- State Library of New Zealand (NZL) - Te Puna Matauranga O Aotearoa
State and national records - Australia and New Zealand
- National Archives of Australia (NAA)
- National Film and Sound Archive
- Northern Territory Archives Service
- Public Record Office Victoria (PROV)
- Queensland State Archives (QSA)
- State Records of New South Wales (SRNSW)
- State Records of South Australia
- State Records Office of Western Australia
- Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office
- Archives New Zealand, Te Rua Mahara o te Kawanatanga
Museum, archive and manuscript collections for nursing history
- Source collections
- Nursing and medical museums
- Local museums, historical societies and heritage centres
- Nursing Archives
Hospital collections (museums, archives and libraries) - public and private
- Australia
- United Kingdom hospital records
Nursing and child/social welfare in asylums, refuges, charitable institutions, prisons and hospitals for the destitute, neglected or mentally ill
- Australia
- New South Wales
- South Australia
- Victoria
- Tasmania
- Western Australia
- New Zealand
- United Kingdom
Female religious orders and nursing: hospitals, maternity homes/hospitals, rest homes and refuges
Midwives - Australia and New Zealand
United Kingdom midwives
Nurses to the armed services
- Australia
- New Zealand
- United Kingdom
- United States of America
The dark side of nursing - scandals, crime, malpractice and mistakes
General and nursing websites and other sources for your research
Higher degrees and nursing history research
- Thesis, Doctoral and Master by research (Australia and overseas)
- Higher degrees at Masters and Doctor of Philosophy level
- The higher education sector
International nursing guides and websites
Nursing and allied health journals
Images and artefacts

Nurses and Midwives in Australian History: A Guide to Historical Sources - ebook


2 Reviews
  • Nurses and Midwives

    Posted by Jodi Ellem on 21st Sep 2022

    The nurses and midwives book has help continue my research on our Boer War Nurse. Hopefully the websites will help find her service records.

  • A very well presented book

    Posted by Unknown on 26th Jun 2019

    Very informative and helpful for people researching nurses and midwives.

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Nurses and Midwives in Australian History: A Guide to Historical Sources

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