
Melbourne Directory 1862 (Sands and McDougall) - EBOOK

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Media: EBOOK - download
File format: PDF, 15MB (488 pages)
Author: Sands & McDougall
Year: (1862) 2024
ISBN: 9781921494437
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia

Sands and McDougall's (along with Wise's) are the best known, and most comprehensive directories that were produced for various Australian colonies.This Sands and Mac Directory (as it's commonly known) is a collection of 10 directories in the one.

    • Street Directory
    • Suburban Street Directory
    • Alphabetical Directory
    • Trade and Professional Directory
    • Banks and Companies Directory
    • Societies and Institutions Directory
    • Government and Official Directory
    • Ecclesiastical Directory
    • Municipal and Colonial Directory
    • Miscellaneous Directory

Directories are an extremely useful tool for establishing when and where a person lived however this is just a starting point, look further in the directory to find out more information about the society in which they lived, the occupation they held and the people they knew. Using the Street directory will give you the names of the householder street-by-street for Melbourne and suburbs. The Alphabetical directory lists everyone alphabetically by surname, together with their occupation, and address.

Listing thousands of names of those working and residing in Melbourne in 1862, this is a vast source of historical information for anyone with an interest in the people or history or Melbourne during this period.

High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book, bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.

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1 Review
  • Family Historey

    Posted by Unknown on 8th Jul 2020

    Found details of people with the same name as mine. Will now try to research them.

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Melbourne Directory 1862 (Sands and McDougall) - EBOOK

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