Media: BOOK - paperback, 188 pages
Author: R. Brown & P. Clift
Year: 1992
ISBN: 0859051641
Other: b&w photos, sketches, map
Publisher: Hesperian Press
Ron Brown was one of the few who was in Darwin throughout the war. This is his story of Darwin life just before and during WWII. This is a slightly irreverent look at the human face of Darwin from 1939-1945. Those vital years including Darwin's sixty-eight air raids. We honour those who died, who gave their all, those too who survived. Out of this crucible came the pure metal as those who lived were changed in the fiery furnace.
Great humanitarians come to the fore, Australian Royalty, not by lineage, but by merit. Mary Durack was right to name some 'Kings in Grass Castles', but royalty was found elsewhere, particularly in the medical fraternity. Men like Clyde Fenton and women like Eileen Fitzer, dubbed the 'Queen of Pine Creek'.
Once again that intrepid policeman 'Brownie' invites you to 'Come along with me to witness those tragic days, cry or laugh as you may, but relive the history that still lies within our grasp. Especially that relatively short, but pungently vital role that Darwin played in Keeping Australians free'.
Darwin Genesis
The Chinese Connection
The New Chum Comes to Town
The Grog
The Ladies
Tropical Sickies
Court Room Dramas
If You Can't be Good be Careful
Crime Doesn't Pay, or Does It?
A Unique Form of Communication
Doc Fenton
It's the Unloaded Gun that Explodes
The Victoria Hotel Brawl
Party Time
With a Heavy Heart
Tokyo Rose
Only a Shoot Off Job
Crocodile Tears
Female Exodus
Map of Bombing
I Was There and So Were Others
On Darwin's Shores
Mopping Up
Those Personal Experiences
Under Siege
Japan Looks a Gift Horse in the Mouth
The Corner Store
Moving Time with Bluey and Curley
She Wielded a Mean Bat
More Larrikins
Sixth Sense
Cloak and Dagger
Matthias' Valour is an Incentive
Scorched Earth
Fiendish Corporal
Tas Fitzer
Fisticuffs and Adelaide River Fracas
Yorky Mick and the Gin Gin Waterholes
On the Move
Seeing the Funny Side
The Ties That Bind
In Conclusion
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