Torrens Valley Historical Journals 1977-2020 (Issues 1-90) - EBOOK
Archive Digital Books Australasia
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File format: PDF file - 269MB (9672 pages)
Year: (1977-2020) 2020
ISBN: 9781925262155
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia
This product contains a complete run of the Torrens Valley Historical Journal, the journal of the Torrens Valley & District Historical Society. First published in January 1977, and continuing through until the current issue No. 90 (July 2020), the journals have articles on a wide range of topics relating to the history and people from the Torrens Valley district (which incorporates the towns of Birdwood, Cudlee Creek, Forreston, Gumeracha, Hermitage, Houghton, Inglewood, Kenton Valley, Kersbrook, Millbrook, Mount Torrens, Paracombe).
Stories of pioneer families, interviews with older residents, extracts from newspapers, cemetery records, church and school history, sporting results and so much more.
In 1917, following anti-German hysteria generated in large measure by such people as Prime Minister Billy Hughes and SA MP, Ponder, the town of Blumberg was to have been renamed to Perroomba, an aboriginal word for the Wattle blossom. In keeping with the patriotic fervour in vogue at that time, and to overcome objections by the public to difficult aboriginal words (3), the name Birdwood was chosen instead in honour the name of General William Birdwood who commanded the ANZACs at Gallipoli and later in France.
This product contains high quality scanned images of the whole of all issues, and has been bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.
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