By Joseph Foster, 1893
This work continues and completes "Alumni Oxonienses" containing the MATRICULATION REGISTER from 1880 to 1892 alphabetically arranged as a distinct division, to which has been added where practicable birthdays, schools, honours, and degrees. It also includes cross-references to all the biographical notices under the respective colleges or elsewhere in the other portion of the work, in addition to the index in that volume.
While the MATRICULATION REGISTER has been placed at my service as before by the University Authorities, the Heads of Houses have allowed me full access to their COLLEGE RECORDS, from which,in the majority of instances, I have been enabled to glean the birthdays and schools of their members since 1880,thus accentuating and perpetuating the link between the Schools and the Universities. Moreover, from the official University publications, viz.: the Honours register, Calendar, and Gazette, I have incorporated the particulars of the Honours, the degrees, and the appointments relating to each individual. This elaborate array of facts, together with the miscellaneous annotations from Crockford and my own collections, especially parliamentary and legal, should prove a trustworthy and unique guide, such as can be found nowhere else,to the rising generation of Oxford Men, destined to play so large a part in the government and intellectual life of this country.
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