
Births in Australia 1788-1828 - CD

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Media: DATA CD - 1 CD
Author: J. Donohoe
Year: 2014
ISBN: 9781921807312
Other: 2nd ed.
Publisher: James Donohoe

'Births in Australia 1788-1828' is a comprehensive index gathered from Convict Musters, Victualling Lists, Colonial Secretary Records, Mitchell Library Indexes, Newspaper Advertisements and Reports, Colonial Office Records, Shipping Indents, the 1828 Census, some literary references, baptismal, burial and marriage records, Wills and family records, of 27,500 of the children born and baptised in the sixteen British sites around Australia in the era 1788-1828, Port Jackson-Botany Bay, Norfolk Island (2), O'Sullivan's, Cove (Port Phillip), King Island, Morton Bay, Van Diemens Land, New Guinea, Westernport, Ambon, Albany, Melville Island, New Zealand, Swan River, the Kimberleys and Cape Baron and the colony of Americans on Kangaroo Island.

A few Maori and Aboriginal children are also included. But please note, the vast majority of entries relate to New South Wales (which at the time also included what is now known as Queensland).

Listed alphabetically by surname, each of the children are indexed by their father's surname, where known, or otherwise by their mother's surname, then by their given names. Their year of birth, father's given names and aliases, together with their mother's given and maiden names and aliases, where known, are also shown. Date or year of birth or baptism and the place of the event is indicated where-ever possible.

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Births in Australia 1788-1828 (book)

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