
The Early History of Rockhampton - EBOOK

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Media: EBOOK - download
File format: PDF file 14MB (423 pages)
Author: J. Bird
Year: (1904) 2023
ISBN: 9781921081033
Publisher: Archive Digital Books Australasia

A fine account of the early years of Rockhampton, revised and reprinted in 1904 from articles that appeared in 'The Morning Bulletin' and 'The Capricornian'. A glance at the Contents below will show how wide ranging this book is.

This book is particularly valuable as the original articles on which it is based were compiled while many of the pioneers were still alive. "Though, in some instances the history of people and institutions has been brought up to date [1904], the articles have been largely confined to the story of the town up till 1870."

This searchable product opens up for the first time the wealth of information in this important record. The original book did not even have an index!

Arrival of the Archers
The Canoona Rush
Building and Establishing the Town
Town and Country Hotels
Influx of Immigrants
Old-Time Amusements
Horse Racing and Breeding
Athletic Sports
Manners, Customs, and Important Events
Amusing and Interesting Episodes
Some Notable Pioneers
Mostly Personal Matters
An Adventurous Career
Trouble With the Blacks
The Mining Industry
The Mount Morgan Mine
The Meat Industry
Capture of Gardiner, the Bushranger
The Rockhampton Bushrangers
Murder of the Clermont Escort
Murder of Patrick Halligan
A Notorious Character
Central Queensland Railways
Floods of the Fitzroy
The Wreck of the Maria
Rockhampton Explorers

High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book, bookmarked for easy navigation. Pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.

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The Early History of Rockhampton - EBOOK

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